
Initialize an SSH connection and auto-login.

Connect through SSH, then run commands! The question as it was posed: “I have the challenge to automate a ssh login to a Linux box which […]

Combine Multiple Text Files Into One XLSX

We are continuing our new series that answers common questions, or questions that have been asked about PowerShell. In this post we talk about how to combine multiple text files into one xlsx file. What we intend to provide is one of the many, many ways you can accomplish these tasks within PowerShell.

Get UNC Path of Mapped Drive

The question: How to get UNC path of network mapped drive? If you are looking for the UNC path of a network drive use Get-PSDrive. It will […]

Registry Key Data & Modification of Subkeys

Find a subkey in the registry key data and subkeys then change the subkey’s value. Registry Key Data & Subkeys This is how it was presented […]

List Locally Installed Applications

Today we discuss how to list all locally installed applications. This is to say that we need to list all programs installed on the computer. This […]

Mapping cells from a CSV to XLSX File?

Today we take just a moment and show you mapping from a CSV to XLSX file. Let’s start. A Fantastic Module for Excel Work: https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel Sharing […]