
Disable Nonessential Server Services Using ForEach and Set-Content

I recently ran into an issue. Where specific services that I feel should not run on a server were on the server. On top of this […]

PowerShell – Server Down Notification Sending Email

Recently I needed to have a server down notification and not have it tied to our NMS. I need to be notified immediately if a server […]

Service Tag & Dell Support Lookup tool

Recently I have had the need to look up devices through Dell's support site. I thought it would be a perfect example of a task I can do through scripting the Service Tag & Dell support lookup tool. In the following post I explain how to get the service tag, place that data in a variable, use dot notation to get the data from the variable we need and subsequently open the browser at the correct dell support page for your device.

PowerShell – Scripting a Mouse Jiggler

I have already written a PowerShell Mouse Jiggler script. Today, right now, we will go through it, breaking it apart and explaining the how and why […]

PowerShell System Tray Tool

We need to add "function", I use the term loosely as I am not building a PowerShell Function, I am building functionality for when the Exit button is clicked. To do this I open a new PowerShell window, and then hide the icon, close the window, and kill the process. I open a new PowerShell console on close as preference, I am probably going to need another console window shortly after closing this window.

Alexa Routines To Call Da Da

We have a few smart devices in our home. One of those are an Echo Dot Kids version. Now I do not sync my contacts with […]