

Active Directory Health Check

Being a server administrator, you are always running through a series of checklists when everything is not on fire to make sure there are no problems. […]

Disable Nonessential Server Services Using ForEach and Set-Content

I recently ran into an issue. Where specific services that I feel should not run on a server were on the server. On top of this […]

PowerShell – Server Down Notification Sending Email

Recently I needed to have a server down notification and not have it tied to our NMS. I need to be notified immediately if a server […]

Service Tag & Dell Support Lookup tool

Recently I have had the need to look up devices through Dell's support site. I thought it would be a perfect example of a task I can do through scripting the Service Tag & Dell support lookup tool. In the following post I explain how to get the service tag, place that data in a variable, use dot notation to get the data from the variable we need and subsequently open the browser at the correct dell support page for your device.

PowerShell System Tray Tool

We need to add "function", I use the term loosely as I am not building a PowerShell Function, I am building functionality for when the Exit button is clicked. To do this I open a new PowerShell window, and then hide the icon, close the window, and kill the process. I open a new PowerShell console on close as preference, I am probably going to need another console window shortly after closing this window.

Alexa Routines To Call Da Da

We have a few smart devices in our home. One of those are an Echo Dot Kids version. Now I do not sync my contacts with […]