
Mapping cells from a CSV to XLSX File?

Today we take just a moment and show you mapping from a CSV to XLSX file. Let’s start. A Fantastic Module for Excel Work: https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel Sharing […]

Creating a WPF Template

The last button for my template is the maximize button. To do this we add yet another add.Click event. Inside the event, we do things a bit differently than we had with the other two buttons. That is inside this we use an if statement, so if it is not maxed it maximizes, but if it is maxed it goes back to the original size. How do we do that? Let us take a look.

Create Directory, Get/Set-ACL, Open Properties

The object of this is to add it to a larger script in order to create a new user. Part of the new user script will […]

Using DcDiag For Active Directory Diagnostics

To date, using DcDiag for Active Directory diagnostics is one of the most helpful and native tools for troubleshooting domain servers and getting a good health […]

Search Office 365 Creation Dates

I was recently asked to pull a list of every email account. Then we needed to search Office 365 creation dates. Of course, this also needed […]

Active Directory Health Check

Being a server administrator, you are always running through a series of checklists when everything is not on fire to make sure there are no problems. […]